Nifty gay stories speedo incest

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He was, however, quite large, his thick organ protruding almost horizontally in front of him for an inch or so before drooping down, long and heavy over his substantial and well-filled scrotum, each testicle a large and very visible orb within. The second thing I realized was that my curiosity regarding whether the impressive bulge in his suit was because he was erect or just blessed was now answered, he was not erect. First, of course, was the fact that he’d removed his tiny Speedo and was now right there, in all his naked glory! It’s surprising, however, what your eyes can see and your mind can absorb in just fractions of a second even when it’s not running at full speed.

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When I’d turned and seen his entire package on display right there, just a foot or so from my eyes, I think my brain stuttered for a moment.

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